Johnson Center Lobby

Student Health and Wellness



健康团队是一个多学科团队,致力于解决澳门网络赌博游戏学生的担忧或威胁行为. 该团队致力于促进大学社区的安全和福祉,同时为关注学生的信息共享和支持计划的发展提供制度框架. 健康小组作为早期干预小组监督行为评估, 干预, 和响应.


北公园社区成员应该通过提交一份 耳朵推荐. Please refer to the distressed student protocol 如果您不确定是否提交ear转介或是否需要寻求其他更直接的帮助.


Once an 耳朵推荐 is submitted, 学生参与部门的专业人员将伸出援手,为学生提供支持,并将学生与校园资源联系起来. At times an 耳朵推荐 is submitted, or the University receives reports of at-risk student behavior that requires immediate attention. 这可能是来自大学不同部门对同一个人的多重关注,也可能是对某个人的单一紧急或高度关键关注. These cases are considered critical cases.

As a resource for the whole campus, the 健康的团队 reviews these critical cases, with consideration given to all confidentiality laws and standards. 该团队的讨论包括了解个人在校园和社区中的互动方式, identifying existing points of communication and support, and developing an action plan to respond to the situation. While the team hopes to be proactive in addressing particular concerns, 为了所有学生的健康和福祉,他们有能力对特定情况做出快速反应.

The 健康的团队 meets as needed and may meet in person or virtually, depending on the immediacy and nature of the referral.

The 健康的团队 is not a disciplinary entity. 如果报告可能构成违反行为准则的行为,将提交给适当的大学官员进行后续处理.

Team Responsibilities

  • 创建和维护一个机制,让大学社区成员报告对社区其他成员行为的担忧.
  • 监控并回应来自大学不同部门对同一个人的多重关注,或对某个人的单一紧急或高度关键关注.
  • 确定上升到“关键情况”水平的情况,并协调适当的应对措施,并将非关键问题提交给适当的个人或部门.
  • Perform initial assessment of risk and develop a support plan, within existing University policies, to mitigate risk and promote student well-being and success. Provide follow-up and assessment of the support plan.
  • 提出行动建议,并与大学实体分享信息, such as the Senior Team, 和/或教师, 员工及其他, 适当的, to assist with managing potentially harmful or disruptive behavior.
  • 为北园大学的学生提供适当的服务和帮助. 就“关键案例”的性质和学校潜在的行为问题保持持续的对话.
  • Make recommendations as allowed in University policy, such as Medical Leave of Absence and Involuntary Withdrawal.


  • Elizabeth Fedec, Assistant Vice President/Dean of Students (chair)
  • Terrance Gadsden, Campus Pastor and Athletic Chaplain
  • Julia Guzman, Director of 卫生服务
  • MaLinda Lee, Director of Counseling Support 服务
  • Eric McQuaid, Head Athletic Trainer
  • Amy Menton, Student Care Coordinator
  • Vanessa Serrano, Access Specialist Coordinator
  • Grace So, Director of Residence Life and Housing
  • Amy Governale, 教师 member
  • 其他办事处或单位的同事亦会视乎个案及/或是否需要其他专业知识(例如.g., 神学院/Graduate representative, international affairs representative).


Confidentiality and Retaliation

澳门网络赌博游戏不会允许对善意举报的校园社区成员进行报复, 通过ear转介或直接向健康团队成员投诉或威胁行为. 接受健康团队评估的学生将受到尊重,行动计划将尽可能保密,同时提供足够的信息来实施支持资源和计划.

Concerning Behaviors

Disruptive Behaviors
  • 公开的行为, 不采取行动, 或口头或书面陈述,将不符合行为或陈述的一个合理的, prudent person under similar circumstances.
  • 包括, but are not limited to, behaviors resulting from possible physical, 与毒品有关, 或可能对学生或他人的身体或情感健康造成潜在伤害的精神疾病, 及/或对大学的正常功能及活动造成严重干扰.
  • 通常是直接可观察到的,但也可能包括学生的电子通信(如电子邮件).g., email, social networking sites, postings to electronic classrooms, etc.).
Uncharacteristic Behavior
  • Unusual or abrupt changes in behaviors or patterns
  • Extreme reaction to a loss or traumatic event
  • Uncharacteristically poor performance
  • Evidence of depression, hopelessness, or suicidal thoughts/plans
  • 不恰当的反应,如长时间的烦躁、愤怒的爆发或激烈的反应
  • Strained interpersonal relations, isolating behaviors, or low self-esteem
  • 生活环境的重大变化,如失业或失恋



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